One of the most popular and controversial programs to ever appear on MTV, this reality program follows the lives of eight young adults who move into a shore house in Seaside Heights, New Jersey, (and later, Miami, Florida) for the summer. Endless drama then ensues as the fist-pumping strangers live and work together. Discover what GTL (gym, tan, laundry), creeping, and grenades are all about with Snooki, Mike "The Situation," JWoww, Ron Ron, Sammi "Sweetheart," Pauly D, Vinny, and others in the uncensored versions of the show.71 episodes on 22 discs. 54 3/4 hrs. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English. Region Free
One of the most popular and controversial programs to ever appear on MTV, this reality program follows the lives of eight young adults who move into a shore house in Seaside Heights, New Jersey, (and later, Miami, Florida) for the summer. Endless drama then ensues as the fist-pumping strangers live and work together. Discover what GTL (gym, tan, laundry), creeping, and grenades are all about with Snooki, Mike "The Situation," JWoww, Ron Ron, Sammi "Sweetheart," Pauly D, Vinny, and others in the uncensored versions of the show.71 episodes on 22 discs. 54 3/4 hrs. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English. Region Free
One of the most popular and controversial programs to ever appear on MTV, this reality program follows the lives of eight young adults who move into a shore house in Seaside Heights, New Jersey, (and later, Miami, Florida) for the summer. Endless drama then ensues as the fist-pumping strangers live and work together. Discover what GTL (gym, tan, laundry), creeping, and grenades are all about with Snooki, Mike "The Situation," JWoww, Ron Ron, Sammi "Sweetheart," Pauly D, Vinny, and others in the uncensored versions of the show.71 episodes on 22 discs. 54 3/4 hrs. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English. Region Free