Drew Barrymore turns in an erotically charged performance as Holly Gooding, a seemingly well-behaved young woman who is accused of killing her mother. At her new apartment, Holly begins an affair with a writer (George Newbern), who, after a series of strange occurrences, starts to question whether the woman he loves is Holly or her evil, carnally insatiable doppelganger. Sally Kellerman, Dennis Christopher, and George Maharis, in his final film, also star. 104 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English. Region Free
Drew Barrymore turns in an erotically charged performance as Holly Gooding, a seemingly well-behaved young woman who is accused of killing her mother. At her new apartment, Holly begins an affair with a writer (George Newbern), who, after a series of strange occurrences, starts to question whether the woman he loves is Holly or her evil, carnally insatiable doppelganger. Sally Kellerman, Dennis Christopher, and George Maharis, in his final film, also star. 104 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English. Region Free
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Drew Barrymore turns in an erotically charged performance as Holly Gooding, a seemingly well-behaved young woman who is accused of killing her mother. At her new apartment, Holly begins an affair with a writer (George Newbern), who, after a series of strange occurrences, starts to question whether the woman he loves is Holly or her evil, carnally insatiable doppelganger. Sally Kellerman, Dennis Christopher, and George Maharis, in his final film, also star. 104 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English. Region Free