Frightfully funny comedy follows tabloid reporters Jack Harrison (Jeff Goldblum) and Gil Turner (Ed Begley, Jr.) to Transylvania for a scoop on the apparent return of Frankenstein's Monster. Jack and Gil soon find themselves crossing paths with a host of kooky characters, among them sexy vampire vixen Odette (Geena Davis). Co-stars Joseph Bologna, John Byner, Carol Kane, and Michael Richards. 94 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; theatrical trailers; TV spots.
Frightfully funny comedy follows tabloid reporters Jack Harrison (Jeff Goldblum) and Gil Turner (Ed Begley, Jr.) to Transylvania for a scoop on the apparent return of Frankenstein's Monster. Jack and Gil soon find themselves crossing paths with a host of kooky characters, among them sexy vampire vixen Odette (Geena Davis). Co-stars Joseph Bologna, John Byner, Carol Kane, and Michael Richards. 94 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; theatrical trailers; TV spots.
Frightfully funny comedy follows tabloid reporters Jack Harrison (Jeff Goldblum) and Gil Turner (Ed Begley, Jr.) to Transylvania for a scoop on the apparent return of Frankenstein's Monster. Jack and Gil soon find themselves crossing paths with a host of kooky characters, among them sexy vampire vixen Odette (Geena Davis). Co-stars Joseph Bologna, John Byner, Carol Kane, and Michael Richards. 94 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; theatrical trailers; TV spots.