In 1944, after their vessel was scuttled by American air power, a dozen Japanese merchant seamen found themselves shipwrecked on the small Mariana isle of Anatahan-with the sole population being a deserter (Tadashi Suganuma) and his beautiful common-law wife (Akemi Nigishi). For the next seven years, the sailors would remain oblivious to WWII's end, and find their ordered discipline fatefully fraying over the woman's presence. Josef von Sternberg's fact-inspired, late-career curio co-stars Kisaburo Sawamura, Shôji Nakayama. 93 min. Standard; Soundtrack: Japanese and English; Subtitles: English; 94 min. Uncensored 1958 edit; featurettes; newsreel footage; theatrical trailer. In Japanese and English with English subtitles.