Brand New 4K Restoration! Gil Carter (Henry Fonda, My Darling Clementine) and Art Croft (Henry Morgan, Dragnet) ride into a town frustrated by the prevalence of cattle rustlers. Suddenly, word comes that a popular rancher has been murdered, which puts the already enraged town over the edge. When the spiteful mayor forms a posse, Gil and Croft are swept up in their mission - to seek vengeance - even upon those innocent of any wrongdoing. As it becomes clear that bloodlust may win out over rationality, the tension mounts in this masterpiece with it's timeless message about the dangers of mob mentality. The great William Wellman (Yellow Sky) directed this classic western, which was nominated for a Best Picture Academy Awardr and featured a stellar cast that includes Dana Andrews (Boomerang) and Anthony Quinn (Across 110th Street).