Archipelago is a quietly devastating portrayal of a family in emotional crisis. Edward (Tom Hiddleston, the Avengers) is preparing to leave for a year of voluntary service in Africa. His mother Patricia (Kate Fahy) and his sister Cynthia (Lydia Leonard) decide to gather the family together, on a remote island, as a farewell trip to say goodbye to Edward. Hired cook Rose (Amy Lloyd) and painting teacher Christopher (Christopher Baker), though brought in to help, only serve to bring the familys anxieties into sharper focus. When Edwards father is delayed, the unspoken forces of absence and loss bring the familys buried anger and repressed tension to the surface.
Archipelago is a quietly devastating portrayal of a family in emotional crisis. Edward (Tom Hiddleston, the Avengers) is preparing to leave for a year of voluntary service in Africa. His mother Patricia (Kate Fahy) and his sister Cynthia (Lydia Leonard) decide to gather the family together, on a remote island, as a farewell trip to say goodbye to Edward. Hired cook Rose (Amy Lloyd) and painting teacher Christopher (Christopher Baker), though brought in to help, only serve to bring the familys anxieties into sharper focus. When Edwards father is delayed, the unspoken forces of absence and loss bring the familys buried anger and repressed tension to the surface.
Archipelago is a quietly devastating portrayal of a family in emotional crisis. Edward (Tom Hiddleston, the Avengers) is preparing to leave for a year of voluntary service in Africa. His mother Patricia (Kate Fahy) and his sister Cynthia (Lydia Leonard) decide to gather the family together, on a remote island, as a farewell trip to say goodbye to Edward. Hired cook Rose (Amy Lloyd) and painting teacher Christopher (Christopher Baker), though brought in to help, only serve to bring the familys anxieties into sharper focus. When Edwards father is delayed, the unspoken forces of absence and loss bring the familys buried anger and repressed tension to the surface.