This Academy Award-nominated thriller follows Franz Kindler (Orson Welles), a Nazi fugitive hiding out as a professor in a small Connecticut town. When his new wife (Loretta Young) begins to suspect his past, a detective (Edward G. Robinson) sets out to uncover his identity. BONUS FEATURES: Audio commentary from filmmaker / historian / curator Bret Wood, Original Nazi concentration and prison camp footage (which are featured in the final film) from filmmaker George Stevens, Original Theatrical Trailer.
This Academy Award-nominated thriller follows Franz Kindler (Orson Welles), a Nazi fugitive hiding out as a professor in a small Connecticut town. When his new wife (Loretta Young) begins to suspect his past, a detective (Edward G. Robinson) sets out to uncover his identity. BONUS FEATURES: Audio commentary from filmmaker / historian / curator Bret Wood, Original Nazi concentration and prison camp footage (which are featured in the final film) from filmmaker George Stevens, Original Theatrical Trailer.
This Academy Award-nominated thriller follows Franz Kindler (Orson Welles), a Nazi fugitive hiding out as a professor in a small Connecticut town. When his new wife (Loretta Young) begins to suspect his past, a detective (Edward G. Robinson) sets out to uncover his identity. BONUS FEATURES: Audio commentary from filmmaker / historian / curator Bret Wood, Original Nazi concentration and prison camp footage (which are featured in the final film) from filmmaker George Stevens, Original Theatrical Trailer.