In July of 2001, eight-year-old Maria Joana embarks on an ocean cruise from her native Portugal to Bombay, India accompanied by her mother, history professor Rosa Maria (Leonor Silveira.) But as three mysterious and glamorous women, each played by a world-renowned film legend, board first at Marseilles (Catherine Deneuve, Umbrellas of Cherbourg), Naples (Bernardo Bertolucci muse Stefania Sandrelli) and Athens (Irene Papas, the Trojan Women, Antigone), their picturesque journey begins to grow in tension and complexity. When ship captain John Walesa (John Malkovich, Being John Malkovich) hosts a unique summit between these three international graces, the table is literally set to transform a Talking Picture from a genial melancholic history lesson into an incendiary contemporary news flash.
In July of 2001, eight-year-old Maria Joana embarks on an ocean cruise from her native Portugal to Bombay, India accompanied by her mother, history professor Rosa Maria (Leonor Silveira.) But as three mysterious and glamorous women, each played by a world-renowned film legend, board first at Marseilles (Catherine Deneuve, Umbrellas of Cherbourg), Naples (Bernardo Bertolucci muse Stefania Sandrelli) and Athens (Irene Papas, the Trojan Women, Antigone), their picturesque journey begins to grow in tension and complexity. When ship captain John Walesa (John Malkovich, Being John Malkovich) hosts a unique summit between these three international graces, the table is literally set to transform a Talking Picture from a genial melancholic history lesson into an incendiary contemporary news flash.
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In July of 2001, eight-year-old Maria Joana embarks on an ocean cruise from her native Portugal to Bombay, India accompanied by her mother, history professor Rosa Maria (Leonor Silveira.) But as three mysterious and glamorous women, each played by a world-renowned film legend, board first at Marseilles (Catherine Deneuve, Umbrellas of Cherbourg), Naples (Bernardo Bertolucci muse Stefania Sandrelli) and Athens (Irene Papas, the Trojan Women, Antigone), their picturesque journey begins to grow in tension and complexity. When ship captain John Walesa (John Malkovich, Being John Malkovich) hosts a unique summit between these three international graces, the table is literally set to transform a Talking Picture from a genial melancholic history lesson into an incendiary contemporary news flash.